Perfusionists Examining Council

The Perfusionists Examining Council is created in Wis. Stat. § 15.407(2m), and shares authority with the Medical Examining Board as outlined in Wis. Stat. § 448.40.


The professional members of the Perfusionists Examining Council are appointed by the Medical Examining Board, the public member is appointed by the Governor, and all members are appointed to to a 3-year term. The Board consists of 3 licensed perfusionist members, 1 physician who is a cardiothoracic surgeon or a cardiovascular anesthesiologist, and 1 public member.

MemberOfficerMember TypeTerm Expiration
Tsarovsky, Gary
ChairpersonPerfusionist Member7/1/2016*
​Edwards, Jeffery P.
Vice Chairperson
Perfusionist Member
Cobb, David F.
Public Member
Mergen, Shawn E.
Perfusionist Member

​Physician Member

​*The Perfusionist members are appointed by the Medical Examining Board; these members may continue to serve until the Board takes formal action to appoint a successor regardless of term expiration.

**The public member of the Council is subject to gubernatorial appointment; a public member whose term has expired may continue to serve until their successor is confirmed by the Senate.


None at this time.

Last updated: 7/14/2020​