The Accounting Examining Board has is created in
Wis. Stat. § 15.405(1) and has authority as outlined in
Wis. Stat. ch. 442.
The members of the Accounting Examining Board are appointed by the Governor and confirmed by the Legislature to serve 4-year terms. The Board consists of 5 members who hold certificates as certified public accountants, and 2 public members.
Member | Officer | Member Type | Term Expiration |
Phillips, Joan M.
| Chairperson
| Accountant Member
| 7/1/2027
Schlichting, David K.
| Vice Chairperson
| Accountant Member
| 7/1/2026
Strautmann, Susan M.
| Secretary
| Accountant Member
| 7/1/2028
Barron, Thuy T.
| Accountant Member
| 7/1/2025
Friedman, Michael E.
| | Accountant Member
| 7/1/2027
Misey, Robert
| | Public Member | 7/1/2025
Reinemann, John | | Public Member | 7/1/2025
*Board members whose terms have expired may continue to serve until their successor is confirmed by the Senate.
The Accounting Examining Board issued an Extension of CPA Examination Credits statement, December 27, 2023.
Accounting Examining Board Legislative Report
The Accounting Examining Board has adopted an emergency rule that modifies administrative code requirements in response to the COVID-19 public health emergency. The emergency rule provides that credit for a passed section of the Uniform CPA Examination with an expiration date of March 16, 2020 to December 30, 2020 is retained until December 31, 2020.
Emergency Rule EmR2022: Candidates for Certification
The Accounting Examining Board has issued a guidance document concerning the carryforward and carryback of continuing professional education credits.
Carry Forward of CPE Credits
Last Updated: 12/5/2023