Real Estate Appraisers Board

The Real Estate Appraisers Board is created in Wis. Stat. § 15.405(10r) and works with the Department of Safety and Professional Services as outlined in Wis. Stat. ch. 458.


The members of the Real Estate Appraisers Board are appointed by the Governor and confirmed by the Senate to serve 4-year terms. The Board consists of 7 members including 1 certified general appraiser, 1 certified residential appraiser, 1 certified or licensed appraiser, 1 assessor member, 2 public members and 1 appraisal management representative.

MemberOfficerMember TypeTerm Expiration
​Figurski, Daniel J. 
​Appraisal Management Representative
​Coates, Jennifer M.
​Vice Chairperson
​Public Member
Myers, Dennis
Public Member
Klanderman, Ryan R. 

​Certified Residential Appraiser Member
​Krueger, Christopher D.
​Certified or Licensed Appraiser Member
Rubow, Richard L.

​Assessor Member
​Wagner, David J.

Certified General Appraiser Member

* Board members whose terms have expired may continue to serve until their successor is confirmed by the Senate.


Last updated: 4/11​/2024
