The Division of Industry Services (DIS) administers electrical permitting, inspection, and consultation services. Electrical plan reviews are performed upon special request. The Commercial Electrical Code is enforced in all Wisconsin municipalities.
DIS coordinates with delegated municipalities and DSPS-contracted inspection agencies to provide permitting and inspection services for certain types of installations. To become a delegated municipality, please visit the
Delegated Agents page.
Who Do I Contact for Permitting and Inspections?
Permitting and inspections are conducted by delegated municipalities and DSPS-contracted inspection agencies. Do not contact DSPS about permitting or inspections.
If you are working in a delegated municipality: Contact the appropriate delegated municipality with code-related questions and for permit/inspection requests.
If you are working in a non-delegated municipality: Contact the appropriate inspection agency with code-related questions. For permit/inspection requests, go to
Work with the above designated authority having jurisdiction to resolve code-related issues or questions.
Who Do I Contact for Electrical Consultations?
Delegated municipalities and DIS-contracted inspection agencies should contact DIS.
Who Do I Contact about Audits?
Delegated municipalities and DIS-contracted inspection agencies should contact DIS.
Form | Description |
3070OEE | Continuing Education Course Application |
SBD-10512 | Lighting Compliance Forms |
COMcheck Federal Department of Energy software approved in Wisconsin for demonstrating compliance with the interior & exterior general lighting requirements COMcheck is used for commercial buildings or high-rise (>3 stories above grade) multi-family buildings. [Within COMcheck, a user is required to choose the code option of "2015 IECC" unless 2015 IECC section C401.2, Item 2, is applied which would then allow the application of ASHRAE 90.1-2013. In this case, the option "90.1 (2013) Standard" must be used.]