Current Plan Submittal Volume
See the below plan review submission data to help estimate the timeline for your DSPS plan review. Data is updated monthly.
| September
| 593 | 173
| 256 | 45 | |
| October
| 633
| 200
| 274
| 76 | |
| November
| 590 | 160 | 162
| 46
| |
| December
| 478
| 176
| 137
| 42
| |
| January
| 517 | 176
| 187 | 101 | |
| February
| 539 | 179 | 81
| 67 | |
| | | | |
| No. of Business Days
| 18
| 16
| 7
| 12
1. Do I Need to Submit for a Plan Review
Plan review is required for commercial, industrial, and other public buildings 25,000 cubic feet or larger. Review is also needed for any size of school, high-hazard occupancy, and three-unit or larger residential building. Under
Wisconsin Statute §101.12, the following plan reviews are required for public buildings and places of employment [Wis. Stat.
§101.12 and
- Heating, ventilation, air conditioning, fire alarm, fire detection, and fire suppression systems.
- Industrial exhaust systems.
- Elevators, escalators, lifts, and power dumbwaiters.
- Stadiums, grandstands, and bleachers.
- Amusement and thrill rides equipment.
- Plumbing installations.
Wis. Admin. Code §334.05(1) requires plan and specification review for all custom-built, site-specific amusement rides not used in a portable mode.
Wis. Admin. Code §333.10(1) requires plan and specification review prior to commencing the construction, installation, or relocation of, or addition to, a passenger ropeway.
One- and two-family permit applications shall include building plans for review, as described under
Wis. Admin. Code §SPS 320.09(5).
Commercial electrical plan reviews are not required under Wis. Admin. Code §SPS 316. Any commercial electrical plan review submittal is voluntary by the customer.
Submitting a petition for variance to the Wisconsin Administrative Code? See the Petition for Variance page for further instructions.
2. Types of Plan Reviews
The Division of Industry Services (DIS) provides required plan review services for the following programs. The separate disciplines listed require separate plan application and review. Use the headings below to see which types of plan reviews are accepted for each discipline.
Heating BoilerMiniature/Electric BoilerPower BoilerUnfired Pressure Vessel
Bleacher OnlyCommercial Building and BleacherCommercial Building and HVACCommercial Building and HVAC and Kitchen HoodCommercial Building and Kitchen HoodCommercial Building OnlyFire Alarm OnlyFire Suppression and Fire AlarmFire Suppression OnlyHVAC and Kitchen HoodHVAC OnlyKitchen Hood OnlyPedestrian Access Structure OnlyWaterslide-StructuralPreliminary Review
- Permit and Plan Review
- Plan Review Only
New Commercial InstallationComplete Replacement CommercialAlteration, Repair, or Replacement ComponentsEmergency RepairNew Single Dwelling InstallationComplete Replacement Single DwellingTest Submission
Anhydrous Ammonia System (NH3)Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) SystemGaseous Hydrogen (H2) SystemLiquid Hydrogen (H2) SystemLiquid Natural Gas (LNG) SystemLiquid Petroleum Gas (LPG) System
Mechanical Refrigeration Systems A1/B1Mechanical Refrigeration Systems A2/B2/A3/B3
Building and Site SpecificBuilding Specific OnlyCampground and Recreational Vehicle ParkManufactured Home CommunitySite Specific OnlyCar Wash Interceptor OnlyChemical System OnlyGarage Catch Basin OnlyGrease Interceptor OnlyMixed Wastewater Holding DeviceOil Interceptor OnlySanitary Dump Station OnlyStorm Infiltration System OnlyWater Reuse System OnlyWater Disinfection Treatment System OnlyCCA Health Care Only
Component Design ManualExperimental SystemIndividual Site DesignSoil Saturation DeterminationVoluntary Manual ReviewMiscellaneous Review
AlternateExperimentalStandardVirginia Graeme Baker
4. General Requirements for Electronic Plan Review
Plan reviews to DIS must be submitted electronically through the
Electronic Safety and Licensing Application (eSLA). DIS no longer accepts hard copy plan review submittals. Note the following requirements for eSLA:
- The applicant must create an eSLA login profile. This login profile is specific to the individual submitting the application. It should not be a generic profile for the company. (UDC permits and plan reviews are not submitted using an eSLA login. See the
UDC program page for more information.)
- If a Supervising Professional is required, the Supervising Professional must also have an active eSLA login profile.
- You must include the property owner's name, address, phone number, and email address.
- eSLA works best with Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or Safari as the internet browser. If using another internet browser, you may experience technical issues with the submittal.
- Be able to combine plan sheets into one file for upload.
- Be able to combine supporting documents into one file for upload.
5. Additional Resources
For step-by-step instructions and videos on electronic submittals, see the
eSLA Support page.
See the applicable
DIS program page for plan review information specific to the program.