Interdisciplinary Advisory Council

​​The Wisconsin Interdisciplinary Advisory Council is created under Wis. Stat. § 227.13 and § 440.042(1) to review all building and construction codes and provide recommendations to the Department on changes that would increase safety, resiliency, and sustainability. 


The agency may use informal conferences and consultations to obtain the viewpoint and advise of interested persons with respect to contemplated rule making. The agency also may appoint a committee of experts, interested persons or representatives of the public to advise it with respect to any contemplated rule making. The committee shall have advisory powers only.

M​ember Type
Ferguson, Kris

​Council Member
Kane, Amanda K.

​Council Member
Streit, Tara E.

​Council Member
Weitekamp, John G.

Council Member

*Council members serve at the pleasure of the Secretary of the Department of Safety and Professional Services.


None at this time.

Last updated: 7/25​/2024​