
​ Now​ Live for Trades Credentials!

is your online, self-guided occupational license application platform for Health, Business, Trades, Manufactured Homes, and Unarmed Combat Sports credentials and permits. 

All applications for licensure and permits must be made through LicensE​Go to to apply for a license. Please refer to the LicensE Applicant User Guide for assistance. 

Other helpful links:

​Third-Party Resources

Third parties include educational institutions, employers, testing centers, and other individuals and entities who need to supply documentation on behalf of an applicant.​ Please see the LicensE User Guides and Videos page​ for third-party user guides, demo videos, and more.

Our LicensE Application Status Lookup tool makes it easier for employers, and academic institutions to support applicants during the licensing process. To access the tool, you will need the applicant's 10-digit PAR number. Applicants may provide the number to anyone working to support their application. Find more information in our news release about this tool.​​


Health and Business
LicensE Application Status Lookup

Legacy Applicatio​n Status Lookup
License Verification (OLVS)
Monthly LicenseCounts
PIN Look-Up
Print License/Credential
​     Download Digital License/Credential
Profile​ Update (change address or name - must login and click Amendments > Request for ​Amendment)
Renew Lice​nse Online (LicensE​ is available for most license renewals. The list of license renewals available via LicensE is in the chart on the LicensE Customer Information pag​e​.)
Wall Certificate Order Form
Death of a Licensee (Procedure for Reporting the Death of a Licensee)​​

Construction/Building Trades
Continuing Education
Continuing Education Course Approval Application
Exam Information/Dates
eSLA for applications and renewals of Dwelling Contractor certifications, Manufactured Homes licneses, Soil certifications, Uniform Dwelling Code (UDC) certifications, and UDC Inspection Agency registrations
Look Up​ Credential/CE Hour
Renew a Credenti​al Online​ (use eSLA to renew ​Dwelling Contractor certifications, Manufactured Homes licneses, Soil certifications, Uniform Dwelling Code (UDC) certifications, and UDC Inspection Agency registrations)
Replacement Card Request Form
Trades LicensE Information
Trades Payment Form
Verification Request Form


Permit and Plan Review
​​​Electronic Permit Application System (eSLA) for submitting permit applications and plan review requests. Visit ​the eSLA Customer Information page​ to get started.
Permission to Start
Petition for Variance
Plan Re​view​
