Master Plumber Restricted Appliance Exam Information

​​​The exam is open book, and the passing score is 70%.  Please visit the Trades Examination Information page for additional exam information and dates.

The first updates to Wisconsin plumbing code since 2009 will take effect on October 1, 2023, but related licensing exams will not be administered under the new code until November.

The state's Plumbing Code Advisory Committee received input from professional groups to shape these updates, which can now be found in the state administrative code.

While the new plumbing code takes effect October 1, 2023, DSPS is offering a brief grace period for related licensing exams. Exams will be administered under the old code throughout October. However, exams will be administered under the updated code starting in November.

A link to the plain language document is located at the link below:

 Significant Plumbing Code Updates Plain Language

The updated code language can be found on the Wisconsin Legislature's webpage:

 Wisconsin Legislature Updated Code Language


The exam will cover information listed below. Pearson VUE and DSPS exam locations will ONLY allow the following three reference items into the exam:

  1. One three-ring binder containing: Wis. Stats. § 145Wis. Admin. Code § SPS 305Wis. Admin. Code § SPS 381-387
  2. 2002 NFPA 13D of the National Fire Protection Association
  3. Multi Purpose Piping Systems Design Manual
***Please note printed code can only be brought into the exam if it is bound together in a three-ring binder ***​​

Copies of Wisconsin Administrative Codes may be printed from the Wisconsin State Legislature site or obtained from Document Sales online or by calling (608) 243-2441 or (800) 362-7253.  International model codes and accessibility standards can be obtained from the International Code Council (ICC) or by calling (800) 786-4452.  When there is a change to Wisconsin codes, exams will cover the new codes one month after the effective date.   

Additional training materials relating to this credential may be ordered through Document Sales or by calling (608) 243-2441 or (800) 362-7253.  They are intended to be training guides and may not match the current code.