Only courses approved by the Department of Safety and Professional Services will count towards your continuing education requirements. Please check with the course provider prior to registering for a course to ensure that it is approved for your credential type. The courses indicated on our website are those requested by providers to be posted; it is not an all-inclusive list of all courses approved. It is your responsibility as the licensee to verify that the continuing education courses you complete for your WI credential are recognized under Wisconsin Administrative SPS 305 and to contact providers for program availability.
Continuing Education Course Approval Application
Please note DSPS will no longer be posting individual courses on the website. We will post a list of approved Course Providers and their contact information. Any questions related to the course(s) should be directed to the Course Provider. Inclusion on the website is at the discretion of the Course Provider. Please enter your Course Provider name and contact information. Include individual contact names, email addresses, URL links and phone numbers. This list will be updated on a monthly basis.
Approved Course Providers List for Trades Continuing Education
If you would like to be on the Course Provider list please email with your contact information: DSPSCOURSEAPPROVAL@WI.GOV