Dentistry, Dental Therapy, Dental Hygiene, and Expanded Function Dental Auxiliary Practice

​​​​​Wisconsin Administrative Code

Dentistry Examining Board

Chapter DE 1 - Authority and definitions
Chapter DE 2 - Licensure
Chapter DE 3 - Practice of dental hygiene
Chapter DE 5 - Standards of conduct
Chapter DE 6 - Unprofessional advertising 
Chapter DE 7 - Certification of dental hygienists to administer local anesthesia
Chapter DE 8 - Patient Dental Record Retention
Chapter DE 9 - Laboratories and work authorizations
Chapter DE 10 - Mobile Dentistry 
Chapter DE 11 - Anesthesia
Chapter DE 12 - Delegation of functions to unlicensed persons
Chapter DE 13 - Continuing education 
Chapter DE 14 - ​Informed Consent​ ​
Chapter DE 15 - Certification of Dent​​​​​​​​​​​​​al Hygienists to Administer Nitrous Oxide Inhalation Analgesia​
Chapter DE 16 - Certification of Expanded Function Dental Auxiliaries​

Department of Safety and Professional Services - Administrative Procedures

Chapter SPS 1 - Procedures to review denial of an application
Chapter SPS 2 - Procedures for pleadings and hearings
Chapter SPS 3 - Administrative injunctions
Chapter SPS 4 - Department application procedures and application fee policies
Chapter SPS 6 - Summary suspensions
Chapter SPS 7 - Professional assistance procedure
Chapter SPS 8 - Administrative warnings
Chapter SPS 9 - Denial of renewal application because applicant is liable for delinquent taxes

Wisconsin Statutes

Chapter 15 - Structure of the executive branch
Chapter 440 - Department of safety and professional services
Chapter 447 - Dentistry examining board