Conveyance Safety Code Council

The Conveyance Safety Code Council is created in Wis. Stat. § 15.407(14) to advise the Department on matters related to elevators, escalators and other passenger lifts as set forth in Wis. Stat. § 101.986.


The members of the Conveyance Safety Code Council are appointed by the Governor to serve 3-year terms. The Council consists of 1 manufacturer of elevators member; 1 elevator servicing business member; 1 member representing an architectural design or elevator consulting profession; 1 member representing a labor organization whose members are involved in installation, maintenance, and repair of elevators; 1 member representing a city, village, town, or county in this state; 1 owner or manager of a building in this state containing an elevator; 1 public member; the Secretary of the Department of Safety and Professional Services or​ designee; and 1 employee of the Department, designated by the Secretary, who is familiar with commercial building inspections and serves as a nonvoting council secretary.

MemberOfficerMember TypeTerm Expiration
Rosenberg, Paul S.ChairpersonArchitectural Design or Elevator Consulting Representative
Rausch, BrianSecretary (Non-Voting)
DSPS Employee Familiar with Commercial Building Inspections - DSPS Secretary Designee

​Braun, Andrew

​​Elevator Servicing Business Representative
​Bromann, Scot

​DSPS Secretary Designee
Danowski, David
Public Member​​7/1/2027
Lex, Adam
Labor Organization Representative
Misustin, Keith
Commercial Construction Contractor
Thurmer, Harold

Elevator Manufacturer
​Whelan, Maiya L.
​Owner/Manager of a Building Representative

*Council members whose terms have expired may continue to serve until their successor is appointed.


None at this time.

Last updated: 11/1/2023​​
