Radiography Examining Board

The Radiography Examining Board is created under Wis. Stat. § 15.405(7e) and has authority as ountlined in Wis. Admin. Code ch. 462.


The members of the Radiography Examining Board are appointed by the Governor and confirmed by the Legislature to serve 4-year terms. The Board consists of three licensed radiographer members; one physician member who is certified in radiology by the American Board of Radiology, the American Osteopathic Board of Radiology, the British Royal College of Radiologists, or the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada; one member who is licensed as a radiologic physicist; and two public members.

MemberOfficerMember TypeTerm Expiration
​Borst, Donald A.​Chairperson​Radiographer Member​7/1/2025
​Julson, Rachael S.
​Vice Chairperson
​Radiographer Member
​Szczykutowicz, Tim P.
​Radiologic Physicist Member
​Berumen, Blas R.

​Radiographer Member​7/1/2028
​Grebe, Paul J.
​Physician Member​7/1/2027​
Public Member
​Public Member


None at this time.

Last updated: 3/9/2023