Professional Hydrologist Section Position Statements

​What is "Hydrology?"

As defined in Wis. Stat. § 470.01(1r), hydrology is a science that involves the study of the waters of the earth, including the study of the occurrence, circulation, distribution, chemistry or quality of water or its role as a natural agent that causes changes in the earth, and the investigation and collection of data concerning waters in the atmosphere or on the surface or in the interior of the earth, including data regarding the interaction of water with other gases, solids or fluids.

What is the "Practice of Professional Hydrology?"

Wis. Stat. § 470.01(3) defines the practice of hydrology as the performance of or offer to perform any hydrologic service or work in which the public welfare or the safeguarding of life, health, environment or property is concerned or involved. "Practice of professional hydrology" includes the collection of hydrological data, consultation, investigation, evaluation, interpretation, planning or inspection relating to a service or work that applies hydrology.

Is a License Required to Work as a Professional Hydrologist?

Yes. No person may engage or offer to engage in the practice of professional hydrology, designate himself or herself as a professional hydrologist, use or assume the title "professional hydrologist" or any other title, letters or designation which represents or may tend to represent the person as a professional hydrologist unless the person is licensed by the professional hydrologist section of the examining board of professional geologists, hydrologists and soil scientists. [See Wis. Stat. § 470.02(2).]

Are There Exceptions to the Requirement for the Need for Licensure?

Yes, exceptions are listed in Wis. Stat. § 470.025.

Is There a Code of Ethics for my Profession?

Yes, Wis. Admin. Code ch. GHSS 5 provides the rules of conduct of the profession. Violating the rules of this Chapter may result in disciplinary action taken against a licensee.