Now Live: Easier Online License Applications and Renewals!
LicensE is your online, self-guided occupational license application platform.
Please review the helpful links below:
- Find step-by-step instruction for license renewal here.
- Find a list of license renewals available via LicensE in the chart on the LicensE Customer Information page.
- Find all licenses available via LicensE, plus user guides and other resources, on the LicensE Customer Information page.
- Anyone applying for an initial license for any of the credentials listed can apply at
Our LicensE Application Status Lookup tool makes it easier for employees, and helps academic advisors support students during the license application process. To access the Application Status Lookup tool, you will need the applicant's 10-digit PAR number. An applicant may provide the number to anyone who could support their application. Find more information in our news release about this tool.
License Information
Wis. Stat. § 440.08 (2), the required renewal date for the Manicurist credential is 03/31/ each odd-numbered year. Should you receive your initial credential in the months leading up to this date, you are still required to renew your license by the statutorily defined date.
Pre-Credential Education Information
The applicant has graduated from high school or has attained high school graduation equivalency as determined by the Department of Public Instruction; is participating in a program approved by the Examining Board; or is at least 18 years old and meets the ability to benefit rule under
20 USC 1091 (d).
- An applicant completes at least
one of the following:
A course of instruction in manicuring of at least 300 training hours in not less than 7 weeks and not more than 20 weeks, in a school of cosmetology or a school of manicuring licensed under Wis. Stat. §
440.62 (3)(a) or
(d), exempted under Wis. Stat. §
440.61, or accredited by an accrediting agency approved by the Board.
At least 300 training hours in not less than 7 weeks and not more than 20 weeks under the supervision of a cosmetology instructor or manicuring instructor certified under Wis. Stat. §
440.63 (3)(am) or
(b) or a licensed cosmetology manager, in a licensed establishment that is also licensed as a specialty school of manicuring under Wis. Stat. §
440.62 (4)(c). All training hours must be obtained in a licensed establishment licensed under Wis. Stat. §
Application for Licensure
If you are not licensed in another state, you must schedule an appointment for examination with the Department's contracted vendor,
DL Roope Administration Inc.
Application for Licensure by Endorsement
Pursuant to 2017 Wisconsin Act 81, all one-hour courses for endorsement applicants on Wisconsin Statutes and Administrative Code relating to the practice of Cosmetology should be submitted for review to
List of Currently Approved Courses
Form | Description
3044 | Certification of Training
| Licensure by Endorsement Application Information (See additional Endorsement Information.)
3217 | Application for Fee Reduction (Optional - If applying for a fee reduction, this form
must accompany the application for the credential.)
373 | Verification of Licensure |
| Application for Predetermination (Optional-Submit
ONLY if you have a conviction record
and you desire a review of your conviction record before applying for a credential.)
2253 | Barbering and Cosmetology Convictions Form (if applicable)
Late Renewal After Five Years
A person whose license has been expired for more than five (5) years is required to pass the current licensing examination (written and practical) to demonstrate minimum competency in services and subjects substantially related to practice and public health and safety.
To request an approval letter to take the examination, please call or send an email to the Department with the following information: your name (prior names if your name has changed), your license number and your current address.
You will be required to submit the Late Renewal After Five Years fee to the Department of Safety and Professional Services after passing the examination.