​Fire Prevention/Safety & Health (NFIRS and 2% Dues)

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The Division of Industry Services (DIS) provides services related to fire prevention, protection, fire department safety and health, NFIRS, and the administration of the 2%​ fire dues. DIS helps develop and enforces safety and health standards for public sector fire department employees, based on SPS 330, the Fire Department Safety and Health Code, and SPS 332, the Public Employee Safety and Health Code. (Related to SPS 332, SPS 330 contains minimum requirements for an occupational safety and health program for public sector fire department employees involved in fire department operations.) 

Consultation and inspections are provided by Fire Prevention Coordinators on requirements for fire department safety and health programs. Staff also provide assistance to fire chiefs and inspectors in Wisconsin in support of fire prevention inspections. See also ​Fire Suppression and Fire Alarm Systems and Commercial Buildings Programs.​

Questions regarding fire prevention codes can be sent to DSPSSBFirePrevention@Wisconsin.gov.

Subscribe to email updates on Wisconsin Fire Prevention, Fire Department Health & Safety, Wisconsin NFIRS, and/or Fire Dues!


Check out the Fireman Kenny Show: a podcast exploring Community Risk Reduction (CRR)! ​Fireman Kenny has 32 years of experience as a firefighter and paramedic.​ Watch the podcast here​.


See the DSPS Fire Prevention / FD Safety & Health 2024 Fall Training Schedule​. 


The Department of Workforce Development (DWD) has updated the requirements for fire protection provided at migrant labor camps. See the Fire Inspections at Migrant Labor Camps​ document for more information. 


The DSPS Fire Prevention group discussed Community Risk Reduction and the Wisconsin Fire Safety Dashboard at the February 2024 NFPA Kitchen Table. Watch the recording here



The DSPS sta​ndard on fire department safety and health identifies areas where fire departments must ensure that firefighters are limiting their risks and exposures to hazards or potential hazards that can be dangerous to their life and health. Many of the standards noted in SPS 330 are based upon best practices from NFPA 1500 or are directly referenced from OSHA standards.​ See the Firefighter Exposure Protection document for more information.


Information o​n the new national suicide prevention dialing code: 


Fire Incident Reporting

SPS 314.01(11) requires reporting of ALL FIRES within 60 days of the incident through NFIRS (FEMA). Fire departments shall follow the requirement within NFPA 1: and keep a record every fire and other emergency incident that is encountered. We urge each fire department to report ALL INCIDENTS to FEMA, not just fire incidents, to give a clear picture of what you do as a fire department, to keep your account active, and to assist with grant requirements.

SPS 314.01(13)(e) Availability of records. For at least 7 years, the records specified in par. (d) shall be maintained in written form or in another form capable of conversion into written form within a reasonable amount of time; and shall be made available to the Department and to the public, upon request to the fire department.

Section 19.32 (2) of the Statutes considers a record to be material containing written or electromagnetic information. The Department considers computer records to be equivalent to written reports.

NFIRS Password Reset/Reactivate

NFIRS Training

In person training is currently not being scheduled. Training via the internet can be provided. Contact us for more details. For your awareness, education, and dissemination, see the eNFIRS training videos here.

Multi-Year Data Trends in Wisconsin
For a complete look at multi-year data trends reported to NFIRS by Wisconsin Fire Departments, see the  Multi-Year Data Tre​nd Report​​. 

Wisconsin NFIRS Email Updates

For news and alerts specifically geared toward users of the NFIRS, please subscribe to the Wisconsin  NFIRS updates here.  

NFIRS Introduction
​Introductary Training of the NFIRS
Exposure Definition
NFIRS Exposure Number​
​Mutual Aid Definition
NFIRS Aid Given or Received​
WFIRS Field Notes
WFIRS Incident Field Notes​​
Wisconsin NFIRS Codes
Wisconsin NFIRS Codes at a Glance​

ImageTr​​end is now available to the Wisconsin Fire Service at no direct charge to the individual fire department.  To get started using Wisc​​​onsin's version of ImageTrend Elite, contact us at DSPSISNFIRS@wisconsin.gov. ​

ImageTrend Software Overview​

Explanation of Fire Department Dues Payments ​
The Division of Industry Services (DIS) arranges payments to municipalities under the Wisconsin Two-Percent Fire Dues Payments Program. As in past years, the Current Year Distr​ibution planned for each municipality is available. The lis​t is first sorted alphabetically by county. Within the county, is sorted alphabetically by towns, villages, and cities. The amount of the check sent to the municipal treasurer is found under “Current Year Distribution.” This online list replaces the mailings that were done in the past to announce the amounts of the payments. If there are questions concerning the list, contact DSPSSBFireDues@Wisconsin.gov.​

eSLA Fire Chief User Guide (includes new 2% Fire Dues instructions)
eSLA Municipal Clerk User Guide (includes new 2% Fire Dues instructions)

Fire Dues Email Updates List
For news and alerts relating specifically to the 2% Fire Dues Fund (self-certification process, audits, and acceptable 2% expenditures), please subscribe to the 2% Fire Dues updates here​​.​

Order Supplies Fire Prevention Program Supplies (DoA Document Sales)
SBD-11 Wisconsin School District Record of Fire / Tornado / Other Evacuation Drills
SBD-5295Fire Inspection Correction Order (PDF)
Fire Inspection Report Form (PDF)
Fire Inspection Report Form (fill-in)
SBD-10638Fire Dept Registration Form
SBD-10885Mobile Kitchen Log​
Determination of Exposure to Blood/Body Fluids (DoA Document Sales)​
Medical Questionnair​e
Respiratory Protection Medical Evaluation Questionnaire

SBD-9405PWisconsin Fire Service Guidebook
When using the Table of Contents (TOC) to jump to a page (link), use the [Alt] key and the [Left Arrow] key to go back to your previous location in the document.
Smoke Detectors Save LivesSmoke Detector Alarms Brochure, about requirements for installation
SBD-10870Codes Pocket Guide
NFIRS Incident Type CodesWisconsin NFIRS Codes at a Glance
Carbon Monoxide DetectorsCarbon Monoxide Alarms Brochure, about requirements for installation
Wisconsin Fireworks Law 2014Details of the Wisconsin Fireworks Law of 2014
Fire Sprinklers in Multifamily DwellingsAutomatic Fire Sprinkler Systems in Multifamily Dwellings
​​Antifreeze in Automatic Fire Sprinkler Systems
​​​Antifreeze in Automatic Fire Sprinkler Systems
How to Register with GovDeliveryInstructions for registering with GovDelivery
How to Use DOA Document SalesInstructions for using DOA Document Sales ordering site
Wedding Barn InformationWedding/Event Barn Information
Inspector Advanced TrainingFire Inspector Advanced Training PowerPoint
Fire Inspection BasicsFire Inspector Basics Training PowerPoint
2% Fire Dues Audit2%​​ Fire Dues Program PowerPoint
​Fire Inspections - Migrant Labor Camps
​Fire Protection for Migrant Labor Camps
Door Safety Devices
​Door Safety Devices in Schools 
Hazardous Chemicals in the Workplace Poster
Public Sector Employee Safety and Health Poster
Fire Department Standard Operating Guidelines (PDF)
Fire Department Standard Operating Guidelines (fill-in)
Fire Department Safety and Health
Fire Department Safety and Health PowerPoint
Respiratory Protection 
Respiratory Protection Training Presentation PowerPoint
Firefighter Exposure Protection
Details of the Wisconsin Fireworks Law of 2014
Recommendations to Fire Fighters for Reducing Potential Chemical Exposure

Visit the eSLA Public Look-Up for the most up to date Wisconsin Fire Department Contact list. No log in required.

​Two-Percent Fire Dues: DSPSSBFireDues@wisconsin.gov

Fire Prevention code technical questions: DSPSSBFirePrevention@wisconsin.gov