Examining Board of Architects, Landscape Architects, Professional Engineers, Designers, Professional Land Surveyors, and Registered Interior Designers

The Examining Board of Architects, Landscape Architects, Professional Engineers, Designers, Professional Land Surveyors and Registered Interior Designers is created in Wis. Stat. § 15.405(2) and has authority as outlined in Wis. Stat. ch. 443. The Board convenes to address matters of joint interest and is divided into 6 Sections to address matters specific to its respective professional areas.



The members of the Examining Board of Architects, Landscape Architects, Professional Engineers, Designers, Professional Land Surveyors and ​Registered Interior Designers are appointed by the Governor and confirmed by the Legislature to serve 4-year terms. The Board consists of 30​ members: 3 architects, 3 landscape architects, 3 professional engineers, 3 designers, 3 professional land surveyors, 3 registered interior designers, and 12 public members.

MemberOfficerMember TypeTerm Expiration
Styczinski, Rosheen


Landscape Architect Member


​​​​Gersich, A. James

​​Vice Chairperson

​Architect Member


​​Myers, Dennis


​Land Surveyor Public Member


Arneson, Kenneth D.

​Landscape Architect Public Member


​Cotharn, Kristine A.

​Engineer Member


​Delaney, Jennifer L.
​Registered Interior Designer Public Member​

​Destree, Melissa M.

​​​Registered Interior Designer Member​​


​​Douglas, Gregory A.


​Architect Member


Fedderly, Daniel J.

​Land Surveyor Member


​Hook, Steven J.

​Engineer Public Member


​Kelly, Shawn T.
​Landscape Architect Member

​​Linck, Karl L.


​Engineer Member


Martin, Christina C.

​Land Surveyor Member


Rohit ​Sant, Anuya
Architect Member

​Scholl, Colleen M.

Engineer Member


​Sina, Christopher M.

​Landscape Architect Member


​​Stroebel, Robin A.

​Registered Interior Designer Member


​Szeklinski, Genevieve D.
Registered Interior Designer Member

​Tweed, Steven T.

​Designer Member


​Uselmann, Corissa D.

​Registered Interior Designer Public Member

​​​Vaughn, Nathan A.

​​Land Surveyor Member


Wagner, Roy 

​Architect Public Member



Architect Public Member


​Designer Member

​Designer Member



​Designer Public Member


​Designer Public Member



​Engineer Public Member

​Land Surveyor Public Member


Landscape Architect Public Member

​*Board members whose terms have expired may continue to serve until their successor is confirmed by the Senate.


As you know, we are in the midst of a public health emergency caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. We understand that current circumstances are changing our working conditions and making much of life more challenging. We at the Department of Safety and Professional Services are working with Governor Evers along with the Examining Board of Architects, Landscape Architects, Professional Engineers, Designers and Professional Land Surveyors to ensure licensed professionals do not lose their license as a result of COVID-19 related disruptions.

We realize that COVID-19 has led to cancellations and postponements of conferences, conventions and other meetings where individuals often earned continuing education credit. If you are unable to complete your Continuing Education (CE) requirements because of COVID-19-related disruptions, you may request a CE waiver. Please submit your request for a CE waiver to DSPSRenewal@wisconsin.gov when you file for renewal of your license. Please include a statement and any supporting documentation regarding your inability to complete CE requirements. Also note that we are suspending fees for CE waiver requests related to COVID-19. 

The Department of Safety and Professional Services will review each waiver request individually. Granted waivers will not eliminate the need to complete CEs. Rather, we will renew licenses with a CE extension provision, which will expire on January 31, 2021. Any CE earned during the extension will first be applied to any 2020 renewal deficits. Once 2020 ​CE requirements are satisfied, any extra credits earned will be applied to the 2022 renewal period.

The extension of continuing education only applies to the following professions: Architect, Landscape Architect, and Professional Engineer.​

Last updated: 7/10​​​​​/​2024​​
