
​​​​The Division of Industry Services (DIS) provides plumbing consultation, inspection, plan review, stormwater, and product review services. The division administers certifications, licenses, and registrations of individuals engaged in plumbing. Continuing education for the industry is available. Staff provide tracking of performance tests for cross connection control devices.

DIS coordinates with local certified municipalities that provide plan review services for certain types of installations.​ To become a local certified municipality, please visit the Delegated Agents​ page.​

Questions regarding the Plumbing code can be sent to DSPSSBPlbgTech@Wisconsin​.gov.​



​2024 Winter Inspector Code Updates
Wisconsin’s regional inspector associations, in cooperation with the Wisconsin Code Officials Alliance and the Wisconsin Department of Safety & Professional Services, are offering virtual and in-person training sessions in early 2024 for Wisconsin’s Electrical Code, Uniform Dwelling Code, Plumbing Code, and Commercial Building Code.  These courses can provide continuing education credits for Industry Services inspection and Dwelling Contractor Qualifier (DCQ) credentials.  Fire inspectors, designers, contractors, and others with an interest in Wisconsin’s codes may also benefit from the programs.

  1. Start at the Plan Review page for information about the types of plan reviews required and how to submit. Also check the Delegated Agent List.​ to see if you can submit your plan review to the local municipality in lieu of DIS.
  2. Tables SPS 382.20-1 and 382.20-2 list the systems and fixtures requiring plan review. An important criteria is that when 16 or more plumbing fixtures are being newly installed or affected by alterations and additions, plumbing plan review is probably needed.

    • Any public building in which more than 16 fixtures are being installed or remodeled needs plan review.
    • There are individual fixtures that at times need plan review.
    • A rental property that has three or more dwelling is subject to review.
    • Mobile Home Parks: DIS administers water and sewer service provided in a mobile home park. Pre-installation plan review of the water and sewer systems in the park is done as a plumbing system plan review.
  3. Use the instructions and guidance documents on the eSLA Support page to establish your eSLA login profile and navigate the application process.
  4. Be sure to include the following documentation in your submittal. Use the Plumbing Checklist to ensure all required information is included.
    • Plan index.
    • Plot/site plan showing size and pitch of sanitary sewer(s), storm sewer(s), and water service(s).
    • Exterior storm, submit appropriate architectural roof drainage plans, site grade run off plans and contour lines showing what is drained to the plumbing system. Show all pipe sizes and discharge rates after every inlet. 
    • Floor plan showing horizontal drains, water distribution lines, and all fixtures and equipment to be installed.
    • 30/60 isometric diagrams of the drain, vent, water distribution, interior and exterior storm systems. Indicate water supply, drainage fixture units, and storm area drainage with gpm loads with each change in pipe diameter.
    • Complete water calculations in accord with SPS 382.40 (7). Links below for instructions and form. See Water Calculation Worksheet and Worksheet Instructions.
    • Complete storm drain sizing calculations in accordance with SPS 382.36 (5).
    • Remodeling or additions shall include existing loads.
    • All plans must be properly signed per SPS 382.20 (4)(c).
    • For water re-use submittals include information requested in the product approval.
    • List fixture and plumbing appliance manufacturers, and model numbers.
    • Cut sheets or shop drawings of all fixtures and health care appliances located within a health care facility. Provide product approval letters for each health care appliance. Approved plumbing products can be found on the Public Lookup Site.
    • Fixtures which require water or waste connections may need product approval.
    • Complete sizing calculations for all grease interceptors.
    • Identify specific materials for installations as listed in SPS 384.
    • Signed Plumbing Checklist.


    Plans shall be legible and pertinent to only plumbing installations. Plans are required to be submitted in a single PDF under the "Submit Plan Building Specific" attachment in the application.

    Supporting Documentation

    All supporting documents such as, but not limited to: water distribution sizing calculations; fixture or piping specifications; soil and site evaluation form; and required signed submitter's checklist shall be provided under the "Additional Supporting Documentation" attachment in the application.

  5. Start your plan review application on the eSLA Portal.

Inspections are performed by local plumbing inspectors.



Plumbing Application for Review and Cross Connection Control Assembly Registration (PDF)​
SBD-6479 InstructionsWater Calculations Worksheet Instructions
SBD-6479 Water Calculations Worksheet
SBD-9890X Petition for Variance
Cross Connection Control Assembly Performance Test
SBD-10771Order Cross Connection Assembly Identification Tags (DoA Document Sales)​
SBD-10605 Affadavit of Plumbing Testing
Double Check/DC Detector Performance Test (PDF)
Double Check/DC Detector Performance Test (fill-in)
Cross Connection Control Assembly Removal Notice (PDF)
Cross Connection Control Assembly Removal Notice (fill-in)
SBD-10793 Soil Evaluation - Storm

Combination Water Calc Worksheet for Home Plumbing System and 13D Fire Protection System (PDF)
Combination Water Calc Worksheet for Home Plumbing System and 13D Fire Protection System (fill-in)
SBD-10881 Air Admittance Valve Test Report
SBD-10889 Contractor Credential Verification for Building Projects
​Water Reuse Checklist
​Optional checklist for use when preparing plan review submittals of plumbing systems that have a water reuse system​
Required Checklist
Plumbing Plan Review Checklist

The Water Calc Crew file is an Excel program on CD that is available through State Document Sales (see page six of the catalogue, call 800-362-7253). The disc has two Excel files: 1) Water Calc Crew File and 2) Fire/Water Calc Crew File.

Document Description
Review of Site-Specific Devices Required Information for the Review of Site-Specific Commercial Water Treatment Devices
SBD-10837Erosion and Sediment Control Field Guide
Health Care Checklist
​Health Care Plumbing Plan Review Recap/Inspection Checklist
Design Manual Plumbing Multipurpose Piping Systems Design Manual
0.50 Chlorine0.50 Chlorine Guidance
Chlorine DioxideChlorine Dioxide Guidance
Copper-Silver IonCopper-Silver Ion Guidance
Pure Water SystemsPure Water Systems Guidance
UltravioletUltraviolet Guidance
Flood ContaminationFlood Contamination and Plumbing
Plumbing License Laws Plumbing Laws in Wisconsin Brochure
Farm Plumbing Plumbing on the Farm Brochure
Improving Your Water Quality Water Quality Brochure
Water Reuse Brochure Water Reuse
Yard HydrantsProtect Your Water Brochure
Health Care Designation DocumentPlumbing Plan Review In Health Care Facilities
Rules for Water Heaters
Rules for Water Heaters Used as Space Heaters
Chloramine Guidance DocumentChloramine Guidance Document
Sizing the Water Supply System
Drain and Vent System Design
Wisconsin Water Treatment Handbook
Guide to Additions and Alterations for Health Care ​Facilities
​Applying SPS 382.50 to Additions and Alterations for Health Care and Health Care Related Facilities

Each type of plumbing product which falls into one of the categories specified in Wis. Admin. Code § SPS 384.10​, Table 384.10, shall be approved by the Department before the product may be sold for use in a plumbing system or installed in a plumbing system.

Plumbing product applications are submitted through the eSLA system. Specifications and plans or drawings for each type of product shall be submitted to the Department for review. The submittal shall be accompanied by sufficient data and information to determine if the product and its performance comply with the provisions of chs. SPS 382 to 384 and ch. 145 Stats.

Follow the Plumbing Product User Guide to submit a plumbing product application.

The Department has the specific requirements for submitting the following plumbing products:

All plumbing product approvals have a 5-year term of approval. A plumbing product approval becomes eligible for renewal six months prior to the expiration date. An expired plumbing product approval cannot be renewed therefore a new plumbing product application is required. 

Please use Public Look-Up to view approvals of plumbing, private onsite wastewater treatment systems, and pool products.

Soil Erosion/Stormwater Product Evaluations

Lenny Kanter, at or 608-261-6541, is the DIS storm water/erosion control consultant.

All erosion control product stipulations and references are currently tied to the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Conservation Practice Standard, Interim Manufactured Perimeter Control and Slope Interruption Products (1071). Any previous reference to the Department of Safety and Professional Services document references this DNR Technical Standard for Construction Site Erosion and Sediment Control. The Wisconsin DNR's Construction Site Erosion Control Standards.

The Wisconsin Department of Safety and Professional Services Installation Stipulations for Approved Products is a companion document that outlines recommended guidelines for the installation, and maintenance of manufactured perimeter control and slope interruption products on sites regulated by DSPS.

Registered CCCA Search​

CCCA Plan Review

Plan review is required for new assemblies in health care facilities and when the device is part of an overall plan review. Subsequent tests are reported online.

The definition of "Health Care facilities:" A hospital, nursing home, community-based residential facility, county home, infirmary, inpatient mental health center, inpatient hospice, ambulatory surgery center, adult daycare center, end stage renal facility, facility for the developmentally disabled, institute for mental disease, urgent care center, clinic or medical office, child caring institution, or school of medicine, surgery or dentistry.

The ​​fee for plan review of the following assemblies, when required (SPS Table 302.64-1), is $170 each:

  • Reduced pressure principle backflow preventer
  • Reduced pressure fire protection principle backflow preventer
  • Pressure vacuum breaker assembly
  • Back siphonage backflow vacuum breaker
  • Reduced pressure detector fire protection backflow preventer​
Visit the Plan Reviews section above for more information on submitting a plan review.

CCCA Re​gistrations

Non-health care facility devices must be registered online at​.​ ​​​​Check out our eSLA guidance documents​ for assistance.